Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Perks of the job...

One of things about working in the ministry, is that you do a lot of work behind the scenes. Especially when you work in the media ministry like i do. That's pretty much all i do is behind the scenes work.

And i love that. A lot of times, not many people know what i do. My wife would probably admit to not knowing fully what i do. It's cool though, because i can do little things for God, with pretty much just Him knowing.

The only downfall though is that i see a lot of stuff i sometimes wish i hadn't. Being the Tech Director (person who switches from camera to camera) on Sundays, i usually see who's paying attention in church and who's checking their watch every ten seconds. I see who's really there for worship and who's there just because they have to. It breaks my heart that it is normally the latter of those both.

I've seen people fall asleep.

Today, the school had a chapel in the main auditorium (the one we have church in) and i was up in the balcony, standing by the soundboard. As the music began to play, I listened to it build.

First the bass drum came in. Boom, boom, boom. And then the guitars came in. i don't think there are words in the English language to describe the wonderful noises that came from them, so just imagine. The music kept building and building until, bam, it exploded. Then the vocals came in and that's when i looked over the balcony.

After the music starting like that, i expected full on riot. What i saw was, everybody just standing there. The way it always is.

You had your few who you could see were really belting it out and giving it up to Him. But they were lost among the mass who thought it was too cool to sing.

Now i can understand sometimes you just don't "feel it", but come on, everytime?

Oh, Christians! "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth. Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked."

No matter how crankin your music is, no matter how wonderful your soloists are, no matter how many funny stories the speaker tells, it is all for nothing.

You wanna change your church? Then preach the Gospel. Preach that man is nothing without the Grace of God. Preach to convict man's wicked heart, as Paul does in the first three chapters of Romans. Then will you see change in your church. Only then.


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, I just happened upon your blog here. Good message, and God bless all you behind the scenes people! Hope to come back again to see what more you're writing. Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...


You hit it right on! Today's churches spend too much time trying to be 'friendly'. We want people to 'enjoy' their worship experience.

We have our focus all wrong. It is, as you said, God's grace. Pure. Simple. Amazing! Unless we first see ourselves as wretches, we will never see our need of God's grace.

Thus our emotional response needs to first turn inward to 'who' I really am - without God. Then our response can turn outword to who HE is and offers - in praise, audoration, and worship. And, 'that' doesn't require any props!

God bless

beencalled said...
