Friday, January 23, 2009

"seriously, one minute?"

so i was talking about this to some of the senior students here at North Florida and i was wondering what everybody else thought about this subject.

I recently was in the local christian book store and amongst all the self-help books and lame christian fiction, there were actually books that dealt with spiritual things in the back. I found one among the teen section and it was titled, "The One Minute Bible."

I thought to myself, "Self, who only has one minute a day to read the Bible?"

I mean seriously, who's so busy that they only have time for one minute a day for ninety days?

Let's look at it this way. There are 24 hours in a day. That means if there is 60 minutes in each hour, then there is (hold on while i pull up my calculator app) 1440 minutes each day. 1440 minutes a day for ninety days is 129,600 minutes. So, you take the 129,600 minutes for ninety days and subtract the 90 (one per day mind you) and you get a whopping total of 129,510 minutes where you're too busy for God.

Say what?

Look folks, that's cold hard data right there and if there's one thing i know is that cold, hard mathematical data doesn't lie (except when you get into algebra).

So i said all that to say this (the watered down version):

Is the "One minute bible" OK or just really a poor idea? Maybe I'm just being a super christian and saying we should spend more than one minute in God's word. Or maybe, this "bible" (and i use that term loosely) just isn't a good idea.

1 comment:

TLBoehm said...

Yes, with the media's 22 minute plot lines and ADD news reporting of course let's add a one minute Bible. I totally agree. The Bible isn't a microwave meal. It's a banquent, meant to be savored. Great post
TL Boehm